How can I earn returns on my investment?

Every project comes with its own projected returns which typically range between 6-12% in targeted net annual returns. Our management fees will be between 1-2%, sometimes coupled with further participation in the profitability of the undertaking. For the investment term, it is project specific and depends on the projected hold period for each opportunity. On our platform, you will find a combination of both syndicated mortgage opportunities and access to real estate investment trusts (REITs) and like funds. Each fund is structured differently with different redemption rights and minimum investment periods. So, to illustrate what a projected return on a $5,000 investment would look like, assuming a range of 6-12% in net annual returns (net means the management fees have been deducted), you could earn anywhere between $300-600 in annual interest distributions. Added to your original principal, your investment could grow to $5,300-5,600 in the first year. This is just simply an illustration though. To understand how each investment opportunity works and what would be best suited for you, we recommend setting up an introductory call with one of our team members and of course consulting with your own professional advisors in due time.

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